Happy New Year - 2009! Get out your new calendars, remember to write 2009 for all dates AND be sure to make some new year's resolutions! Enjoy your black-eyed peas, hog jowls, hoppin' john and ham and collard greens on New Year's Day.
I've compiled Mel Coker's TOP 10 NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS based on my extensive research (not necessarily my personal resolutions):
- Lose weight
- Get in better physical shape
- Spend more quality time with family and friends
- Reduce or eliminate debt
- Set a budget and/or reduce expenses
- Quit smoking
- Learn something new / develop a new talent or skill
- Drink less alcohol / quit drinking
- Find a better job (or, in these times, find a job)
- Get better organized
Tips for making (and completing) effective New Year's Resolutions: set only 1-3 realistic goals; write down your goals; take baby steps (break goals into tasks with deadlines); go public (tell others about your goals); track your progress; reward yourself; if you slip up, recommit!
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Mel Coker